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World-leading tools to help companies make more objective, evidence-based talent decisions that both reduce bias and drive better outcomes.
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Get started with a 14-day free trial of our assessments and tools or get in touch with us to learn about plans and pricing.
Better Science. Better Decisions.
More Talent Success.
Through scientifically designed assessments, structured interviewing and talent management tools, we help companies achieve results across their entire talent pipeline. Criteria customers achieve an average of:
People are multidimensional; so are our assessments
Your candidates are more than just a data point, which is why we created the most robust and comprehensive portfolio of assessments to paint a more complete picture of candidate potential.
Validated to predict performance
Our science speaks for itself. We rigorously validate our assessments to ensure that they are fair, objective, and predictive of what matters most: job performance, long-term retention, and business performance.
Flexibility that works for you
Test anyone, anywhere, at any time, with any of our tests. Our assessment platform is highly configurable and built to engage candidates.
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Our flexible technology makes it possible for you to seamlessly integrate assessments into your current systems and processes. We partner with a wide range of ATS and HRIS platforms to provide streamlined integrations.
Trusted by 4,500 customers and counting
We’ve helped companies across every industry grow their teams and make smarter talent decisions.