Standing Out in a Candidate's Market: 5 Recruiting Strategies for Success
After this webinar, you’ll walk away with:
- The bottom-line reasons organizations need to invest in the candidate and employee experience
- 5 proven strategies to set your organization apart and attract qualified candidates
- A road map for implementing these new strategies
When it comes to hiring, it's a candidate's market. Job-seekers are able to be more selective than ever about their employer. And thanks to technology, they're doing their homework before they even decide to apply.
So, in order to stand out and attract the best and brightest, it's imperative that organizations find ways to differentiate themselves from the competition.
In this webinar recording, Sharlyn Lauby, author of the blog HR Bartender, discusses strategies for setting your candidate and employee experience apart from the competition.
Our Speakers
Sharlyn Lauby
HB Bartender